About Yamnuska
Yamnuska was formed in 2008 out of a need for a reliable service to support International companies operate their business in Australia and New Zealand.
To quote the client concerned...."We need someone we know and trust to help us". That is where we step in. We operate in a highly ethical manner with complete transparancy to our clients. They know exactly what they are getting with our services. Honesty and integrity are paramount when entrusting business operations to a local partner.
Getting Started
Yamnuska provides consultancy services to help companies get started in the Australian and New Zealand markets from a legal and tax perspective.
Assistance is available for getting product registrations where required and we have expertise at getting products into Australia that reduce some of the red-tape that is encountered at the border
Once the ground work is completed we are also equipped to provide the resources required for the distribution of product across both Australia and NZ.
We take care of the storage of inventory, keeping products secure, clean and at temperatures conducive to maintaining the value of our client’s investment.
We work with our clients to determine the best methods for exchange of data for the fulfillment of orders, getting orders picked, packed and shipped as soon as possible after we receive the advice notice.
Products are delivered using highly regarded courier companies in both Australia and New Zealand. The couriers provide trackable services with data available to be loaded back in to our client’s system to empower their customers with delivery information.
Our staff are on-hand to answer calls and emails from local customers. We are sensitive to local time zone differences, accents and customer expectations
Yamnuska provides services that take away the need for our clients to have long term financial commitments in the form of leases for premises and employment contracts for staff. Just finding skilled and trustworthy people within the markets can be very difficult – our model eliminates those issues.
Utilising our existing infrastructure means that getting started in Australia and New Zealand can be very easy and fast compared to the traditional models.